Adaptation strategies to understand and accompany a child with high potential
Workshop on line by Gabriel Rafi Neuro-Psychologist Adaptation strategies to understand and accompany a child with high potential – French Workshop.
How to help a high potential child to blossom?
It is often difficult to associate giftedness with any kind of difficulties because in the minds of many, an intelligent child has no problems. However, it has been proven that the gifted or high potential profile, depending on its degree and form of expression, can present particularities on the behavioural, emotional and psychological levels. Here are some keys to better understand a high-potential child and help him or her to grow up.
Who are high potential children?
How to identify a high potential child?
A space for listening and awareness to help a high potential child
The contribution of therapies (social skills groups, psychological follow-up, etc.)
3 key ideas
We know full well that the child will be at 30% of his or her abilities and we understand this because, not only will he or she not see the reason for having to get more involved, but it will be too difficult to manage emotionally. It’s less destructive when you get a 12/20 for being at 30% than for being at 70%.
The idea is to improve the child’s behaviour because you don’t want them to isolate themselves or have others reject them.
It is important to give the child time to develop. Already, his daily life requires a lot of effort because it is perceived as a constraint…”. What does the adult have to offer me that is more interesting than what I would like to do? So he needs time to himself where he can do what he wants.
Dr. Denise Vohwinkel. Psychiatrist. KIC – La Maison Medicale. https://kensingtoninternationalclinic.co.uk/index.php/doctors/dr-denise-vohwinkel/
Gabriel Rafi. Neuro-Psychologue. KIC – La Maison Medicale.
Gabriel RAFI is a clinical neuropsychologist specializing in children, adolescents and adults with attention deficit disorder, high potential, a form of epilepsy and more generally in need of psychological support. He graduated from the famous Paris Descartes University in 2013 with a Master’s degree in clinical neuropsychology and cognitive psychology. He works in a multidisciplinary practice as well as in his own practice and has created a whole network of care partners for comprehensive patient care. Professionals and families trust his method and refer many families to him for quality care. His availability for families, his human warmth and his sense of priorities are qualities highly appreciated by families and patients.
My consultation subject
Faced with the daily difficulties linked to ADHD, it is possible to act in an effective and structured way in order to provide a better quality of life for the patient and his entourage by applying a program over just 10 weeks. The ADHD assessment includes the initial session, the assessment, the specific questionnaires, the medical report and the report discussion as well. It takes between A to 3 appointments to get the results.
-High Potential
Your child gives the impression of knowing everything about everything and has difficulty following instructions. He is often much more unhappy than you think because he is totally drowned in an ocean of emotions to manage. Gabriel RAFI brings you all the necessary explanations to know how to communicate with your child and help him at best.
-Dyslexia & others
Gabriel RAFI accompanies you in the academic success of your children by participating in the implementation of the necessary arrangements at school, by communicating with the educational team and by advising you on their educational or professional orientation.
The autism spectrum is, depending on its form of appearance, so rich and sensitive at the same time that it requires serious and quality support to see real progress on the areas to be improved.
Ignorance of epilepsy is the main difficulty against which it is important to act by providing quality awareness. Cognitive assessment rhymes with regular psychological support.
-Mental retardation
Mental retardation, without support, systematically leads to academic failure in the ordinary course. A complete and serious evaluation of your child’s cognitive abilities can allow him to go further by optimizing his performance and autonomy.
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