
Patient : How to refer ?

Referrals for specialist care

If you wish to be referred to a specialist in a particular field, such as a surgeon or a gynaecologist (a specialist in the female reproductive system), you should see the GP you’re registered with.

A specialist will only see you with a letter of referral from your GP. The letter will give the specialist essential background information, such as your medical history, and it’ll also contain details that the specialist needs to pay particular attention to.

Your GP also generally understands your health history and treatments better than anyone else and will base any decision for a specialist referral on this knowledge. If you ask your GP to refer you to a specialist, they’ll probably suggest that you first try various tests or treatment options to see whether your condition improves.


Doctors : How to make a referral at KIC

It’s very simple

It’s very simple , you have different options to make your referral request:

• Contact us by Phone at 020 7589 9321

• Send us an email with the referral details at Contact@lamaisonmedicale.co.uk

Licenses Professionals Team

Our Licenses professional team are always up to date with the best specialists you can found in our 35 Specialities in KIC. Contact our Secretary for any questions.

• See our all Specialities  

• Contact us 

Benefits for the patients

When you refer: Your patient will immediate have care facility, our team will guide them to organize the right consultation specialities and help them with the reservation and insurance communication if needed.

Make sure we follow your patient with special care.

Follow the form below to refer a patient

Call us for any informations 020 7589 9321

Make a referral
Please add the doctor name

Other Services

Getting the best care to patients in their language. With more than 35 specialities, our Clinic has been proudly providing Medical & Paramedical services to people in English, French, Arabic, German, Italian & Spanish because we know that it is always easier to explain your symptoms or problems in your mother-tongue.