When should we carry out our microbiota analyses?

We carry out a complete analysis of your body using five essential tests, thus directing our teams towards the treatment best suited to your health. Our approach aims to detect the deep origins of your symptoms and to restore the balance of your microbiote as well as the proper functioning of your cells. These aspects are of crucial importance in promoting your overall well-being and contributing to your longevity.

There have been proven links between microbiome and conditions such as:

  • Digestive health information
  • Energy and performance information
  • Information on brain health and mood
  • Immune Health Information
  • Information on weight and metabolic health
  • Information on sleep quality
  • Information on chronic diseases
Microbiome kit


Take charge of your health Because preventive medicine allows you to live longer and, above all, in great shape. Discover Bodycheckup, the most complete, innovative, and effective test kit on the market to do your health check-up at home.