We welcome both self-paying patients and those with private health insurance.

How to book an appointment

You don’t need Bupa insurance to receive treatment with us. We accept self-pay and work with most insurance providers, including AXA, Aviva, Vitality, and more.

Call us today to schedule an appointment, make an enquiry, or request a quote. Our dedicated teams are here to answer any questions and provide personalised support.

If you’re an international patient, please precise during your first contact

Please note that we are unable to address specific medical questions or offer medical advice over the phone, online, or by email.

Self-pay patient

Our team is available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. to discuss payment options and your budget.

Insured patient

Our Self-Pay team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

International patient

Our Self-Pay team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

What to know before booking

GP Referrals
If you’re using private health insurance, you’ll typically need a GP referral before your first consultant appointment. However, if you choose to self-pay for diagnostic tests or treatments, you generally won’t need medical insurance or a referral.

If you live in the UK but don’t have a GP, you can get a referral from one of our private GPs. We offer private GP appointments at the clinique.

To book an appointment, please call +44 (0)2074605700

If you live outside the UK, please advise our team.

Credit and Debit Cards
We require all patients to provide a credit or debit card when booking an outpatient appointment. This card will only be used if there are any outstanding or additional charges.

Appointment Booking Form