Discussion with your Doctor
You should discuss your personal medical history with your doctor before deciding to take Trucheck. It is only available on prescription.
If you and your doctor think it is suitable, you should read and discuss the information below.
Intended use
You can consider using Trucheck if you currently have no signs of cancer but want to understand if you are currently suffering from any cancer. You may have a higher risk because of age, family history, profession, or lifestyle.
Unintended use
You should not consider Trucheck if you have been diagnosed with a cancer, or currently have signs or symptoms of cancer. If you have symptoms of cancer, we recommend you seek expert medical advice without delay.
Test options
There are several Trucheck options to choose from.
Multi-cancer screening
• Intelli which is a multi-cancer detection test. It can detect over 70 types of early-stage cancer in people without symptoms. Your doctor can give you a list.
Diabetes related cancer screening
• Diabetes can detect several malignancies that are higher in prevalence in diabetic
• Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney, Bladder and Colorectum
Female health cancer screening
• FemmeSafe can detect the top 4 cancers for women at early stages
• Cervical, Endometrial, Ovarian & Breast
Single organ screening
• Breast can detect early-stage breast cancer in women
• Prostate can detect early-stage prostate cancer in men
• Colon can detect early-stage colon cancer in both men and women
Possible test results
The most common result is negative – the test has not detected CTCs. If it is negative, you can choose to schedule another appointment with your doctor. This can be part of your yearly checkup, or however often you agree with your doctor.
Approximately 1% of patients will have a positive result. The test detects presence of CTCs and may give indication of organ or tissue of origin. In these cases, you should agree with your doctor the next most suitable steps for further investigations and clinical follow-up.
On rare occasions, the test may be inconclusive. In these instances, your doctor will offer you another Trucheck test without charge.
If you receive a negative result, this can give you peace of mind that you have a lower risk of detection of a solid organ cancer at present. If you receive a positive result, you will undergo further investigations to establish the cancer diagnosis and then know you have picked up the cancer before you have symptoms, and you are likely to be in a good position to cure it. You can arrange with your doctor to take fast and suitable follow up action, and receive treatment before the cancer has significantly spread.
If you receive a positive result, you may feel concerned, but your doctor will provide you with support you need and suitable next steps. Following a positive result, you may need to pay for additional diagnostic tests to confirm diagnosis.
Sensitivity is the ability to correctly identify people with cancer. All Trucheck tests find early signs of cancer at least 88% of the time. So, the test will correctly identify at least 88 people out of 100 with early signs of cancer.
Specificity is the ability to correctly identify people who do not have cancer.
All Trucheck tests, have a specificity of 99%. So, the test will correctly identify 99
people out of 100 without cancer. This means you have a low likelihood of receiving a false positive result and go through unnecessary medical procedures.
Blood or lymphatic system cancers
Trucheck cannot detect blood or lymphatic system cancers, as only solid organ cancer produces circulating tumour cells.
Other cancers
Trucheck does not check for all cancers, only the cancers related to each Trucheck test.